Premiered by Momenta Quartet in Kemp Recital Hall, Normal, IL on March 29th, 2023.“Three Dances” was written for the Momenta Quartet who premiered the work on March 29th, 2023.
While I was composing “Three Dances”, I had three different occasions of dance in mind. The first movement, “Dance of Ritual”, represents traditions that bring people together in celebration, hope, healing, and reverence for Mother Nature. It symbolizes the social aspect of human life, where people connect with others, uphold social values, and fulfill responsibilities. In contrast, the “Dance of Expression” delves into the emotional and internal aspects of humanity. It invites us to introspect and connect with our true selves, exploring our sentiments and innermost thoughts. By considering both external and internal aspects of human experience, I was able to reflect on my own life experiences, desires, fears, happiness, as well as the harmonies and dissonances within and outside of me.
Through the exploration of my true self, I gained a deeper understanding of who I am and what brings me fulfillment. This newfound self-awareness allowed me to confront my fears and desires, leading me to a path of personal growth and development. The act of creating music had become a form of self-expression that brought me immense satisfaction and happiness. In “Dance of Joy”, I infused the piece with a sense of joy and contentment that emanated from my own inner peace, conveying a sense of fulfillment that I hope listeners will experience as well.